UKA i Ås in the 2010s:

Champagne and (stumble)law – No reason for excitement

The title of the UKErevue in 2010 was “Ingen grunn til begeistring (No reason for excitement)”. The UKEboard treated the UKEactors to spa treatment two days prior to the revue premiere. For that reason, one would think that the group was well rested to excite the audience at the Urpremiere, but it was probably an ironic revue title. The festival, under the slogan “Ren lykke”, was displayed with artists like Karpe (Diem), Robyn and Hellbillies. MiniUKA consisted of Raga Rockers, Norwegian Championship in eating Grandiosa, and the funkis position pizzafunkis, among other things. Similar to bylarm in Oslo, where up-and-coming artists play, other promising musicians came to Halvors Hybel during the innovative UKAlarm in October. The artists were mentioned as sophisticated and sober by the Ås-audience, which is slightly unusual. Long-established events such as Norwegian Championship in law throwing was held. It consisted of throwing the brick Norges lover as far as possible, initiated and managed by the law lecturer Steinar Taubøll. The winning throw was 18.5 meters. 

In 2012 the festival had 20 000 visitors, 22 131 beers sold, and the Samfunnet’s guests filled an entire 2 890 000 in their cashless cards. The volunteers’ efforts were about 45 000 hours. A world record in kissing chain was set, and you could buy a “Dobbel karsk” in Sløyfa. The UKErevue went under the name “En ko(s)misk katastrofe (A cosmic catastrophy)”. Another ironic revue title. On the posters UKA had some big names, among them Timbuktu, who is returning this autumn, as well as Cashmere Cat and Röyksopp. 

UKA 2014 was the year to experience Klovner i Kamp with glitter and champagne, Lemaitre, Katastrofe, STAUT and Kaja Gunnufsen. In the Norwegian Championship in law throwing, both bowling throwing and backward throwing was tested, but no new records were set despite the impeccable atmosphere. However, the competition redeemed law professor Taubøll’s wish to get law down from their power positions and made it accessible to everyone. The UKEauction tempted with tickets to VIP show with Big Brother for the benefit of Project Philippines. 

Lørdagsrådet from P3 with Harald Eia and Steinar Sagen was also on the programme. They entertained the audience through helping the students with their distresses. The comedians expressed that this meeting with the students of Ås was fun. Slay. The UKErevue 2014 was called “Fôr fanden”. 

In 2016 the miniUKErevue teased about the Government's wish to merge the municipalities. This is a recurrent theme in the UKErevues in Ås, including in 2018 and 2022. The tendency is mirroring our politicians constantly shifting agendas around the topic. The same year in October, the superheroes in the UKErevue “Livredd” joked about how they couldn’t help modern people with their developed country’s problems despite their superpowers. Julie Bergan, Razika, Arif, Alan Walker and Veronica Maggio performed for the Ås audience. ¼ of the students were volunteers in 2016, against only 5% at NTNU. Meditation classes were arranged, and UKEhjelpa raised funds for WWF. The UKElåt “Ditt lengste høydepunkt” was blasted throughout the autumn and well after that. 

Miniuka could present the satirical and humerous revye “Ås kommunes venner” in 2018, with a theme many know from the Facebook-group under the same name. Over the year the Revue block made the UKErevue “App-app-app". It was certainly a creative and musical show, spiced with political quibbling. 2018 was the year to participate in a self-defense course for girls, and afterwards enjoy a Smørterøl served by NGAers in Sløyfas’ best bar 2016, NGAltvort. It was sung about “rolling into the Samfunnet” and following snaps in Aud.Max. in the UKElåt “Måneden, Året, Livet”. This was redeemed by artists like Highasakite, Cezinando and Sondre Justad.