

A Drop in the Ocean - UKA i Ås 2024

A Drop in the Ocean is a Norwegian organization established by volunteers in 2015 as a direct response to help hundreds of thousands of displaced people arriving on the Greek islands. The need in Greece continues to grow, and now, very few organizations remain to assist in this crisis. All refugee camps have exceeded their capacity, and large arrivals are expected in the future.

A Drop in the Ocean works to improve living conditions and quality of life for displaced people arriving in Europe, aiming to help them quickly become self-sufficient. They achieve this through four program areas: humanitarian aid, capacity building, informal education, and integration. Within these areas, there are specific activities such as the distribution of food, clothing, diapers, and sanitary pads, laundry services, youth clubs, sports and creative activities, and teaching subjects like Greek, English, and IT, among others.

Events that raise money for A Drop in the Ocean:

UKEservice - This Sundays church-service in Ås church will be held in Aud. Max, where the collect goes to UKEhjelpa’s charity-case “A Drop in the Ocean”. There will be played som nice music, and you will be offered a little sweet-treat.

The UKErace - Run for a good cause! Join the fundraising-race, and win cool prizes for most laps, best costumes and much more!

The UKEauction - Do you feel like spending money for a good cause, and not just buy beer when you are at Samfunnet? Then come to the UKEauction and put in a bid on a preparty with a social association amongst other things!

Breakfast Beat - Welcome to Breakfast Beat! Enjoy food, drinks, music and good vibes - the perfect cure for any hangover.

Panteinnsamling - UKEhjelpa collects your empty bottles to get your pant, to avoid letting it take up unnecessary space in the collective, and you can also feel good about the fact that the money goes to the charity-case “A drop in the Ocean”.

  • October 6th.

  • October 13th.

  • October 20th.

  • October 27th.

Overview of prior projects:

  • GHTAC's purpose is to provide the opportunity for a better life for children in Africa by supporting the development of strong communities. All children should have the right to education and good health, but also to simply be children!

    GHTAC helps the poorest villages in rural Liberia by providing funds for schooling and school supplies to those who cannot afford it, distributing support equally between boys and girls, with a priority for those with special needs or who are orphaned. Since the start up in 2011, GHTAC has worked in a long-term and targeted manner to raise funds and establish strong connections and partnerships in Liberia.

    They offer school programs focused on covering tuition fees, schoolbooks, writing materials, school uniforms, backpacks, shoes, team uniforms, etc., and part of the teachers' salaries. In addition, they have invested in school libraries at all the schools and installed solar panels at two of them, with the goal of equipping all of the schools with it. This enables the schools to be used for adult education and as community centers, helping to strengthen local communities and fostering pride and motivation for further development.

  • Strømme Foundation works to combat poverty through job creation, community building, and education. The project "Green Jobs in Mali" helps reduce waste while creating job opportunities for unemployed youth and women in Mali. Women receive training and income by collecting plastic waste, which is then sold to a recycling station run by young people who have been trained and equipped. They melt down the plastic and produce new school desks, which are then sold to one of Strømme Foundation’s many Speed Schools in Mali.

  • The funds raised in 2018 went to Plan International Norway's project Radio Timveni, which uses radio as a tool to combat child marriage and protect children's rights in Malawi

  • WWF's climate work, with the project's angle being "What are you afraid of losing?" focuses on how the world's diversity of species and ecosystems is disappearing or at risk of disappearing due to climate change.

  • Project Philippines is a volunteer association that helps the poor in the city of Bogo on Cebu Island in the Philippines. They have brought toys and used clothes from Norway, as well as food rations, to the many slum areas in and around the city. They have built water pumps, preschools, contributed to improvements for the inmates in Bogo prison, and supported the operation of a local orphanage, among other things. Their most important long-term aid project is the preschool Lola Day Care Center, a preschool for children aged 3 and 4. The service is free, and one nutritious meal is provided every day.

  • Right To Play er en internasjonal organisasjon som bruker lek som læringsverktøy for å bedre barns hverdag i utviklingsland.

  • Regnskogfondet er en norsk organisasjon opprettet i 1989 og har som hovedoppgave å samle inn penger og drive opplysningsarbeid om vern av regnskogene.

  • Komiteens formål var å støtte opp om og å styrke den burmesiske demokratibevegelsen i eksil og i Burma/Myanmar. Komiteen arbeidet for å fremme demokrati i Myanmar ved å gi økonomisk støtte til prosjekter i Myanmar, holde kurs for politiske partier og informasjonsarbeid i Norge for å dele kunnskap overfor norske myndigheter, bedrifter, opinion, presse og relevante organisasjoner.

  • Regnskogfondet er en norsk organisasjon opprettet i 1989 og har som hovedoppgave å samle inn penger og drive opplysningsarbeid om vern av regnskogene.

  • Stiftelsen Yme er en norsk bistandsorganisasjon som jobber innenfor to programområder: vann- og sanitærprosjekter og yrkesskoleprosjekter. 

  • Utviklingsfondet jobber for å bekjempe sult og urettferdighet. Deres visjon er en rettferdig og bærekraftig verden uten sult, fattigdom og ekskludering. De bidrar til at småbønder står sterkere når klimaendringer gir ekstremvær og vanskeligere dyrkingsforhold.

  • Afghanistankomiteen bidro til et fredelig Afghanistan, fritt for fattigdom, der folk på landsbygda får økt makt og innflytelse, og verdsetter likestilling, likeverd og mangfold.

  • SAIH jobber for en verden der alle har muligheten til å forme sin egen fremtid og samfunnet de lever i - gjennom utdanning. God høyere utdanning er nøkkelen til å skape mer rettferdige og inkluderende samfunn, og fungerer som den ultimate drivkraften for å oppnå FNs bærekraftsmål.