Tickets and entrance


LinTicket is a web-based system that handles tickets, payment, booking, event and resources. It is Norway´s simplest ticket system and offers good solutions for buying tickets. 

You can download the LinTicket app or the UKEapp and purchase tickets there, or go to When you purchase tickets through LinTicket you can choose different payment methods. You can choose to pay by SMS, card, invoice, Vipps, or mCash. It is secure and very simple! You will receive the ticket by e-mail after your purchase. You can also scan the ticket on a smartphone. 

If you have a user account on LinTicket, you can easily log in when buying tickets. You can also buy tickets without an account. There is a simple guide for buying tickets both online and on a smartphone. Purchased tickets for UKA in Ås are nonrefundable. We encourage you to sell your ticket if you har unable to attend, so that as many as possible are able to experience the events. You can read more about LinTicket´s conditions for ticket purchase here:

It will also be possible to buy tickets at the entrance in the evenings, as long as there are tickets left. 

A ticket that you have printed out yourself is not personal. It can be used by another person, even if it has your name on it, so it is important that you look after your ticket. All types of tickets must be exchanged for a wristband at the entrance. A volunteer ticket cannot be used by someone who is not an approved volunteer. Each ticket can only be used once. The QR-code will be scanned by the personnel, and you will get a wristband that must be fastened around your wrist. A wristband that is not fastened around your wrist is not valid as a proof of entry. As soon as the wristband is fastened it is considered personal and may not be shared with others. 

Purchased tickets are NOT refundable. This year we encourage everyone
to resell your tickets, because there is a limited amount of tickets for
all events. If you became a volunteer after you bought full price
tickets, you can refund the intermediate. All questions regarding
refunds can be sent to


We are using DiggiPay for payment for all our serving. This system means you have a Diggipay-account. We recommend that you download the DiggiPay app, which has several practical uses: transferring money in/out of your account, QR code for payment, payment overview and the opportunity to transfer to friends.

Before you arrive:

  1. Create an account at

  2. Download the DiggiPay app.

  3. Transfer money into the account by using a credit card or Vipps.

When you are at Samfunnet:

  1. Find a DiggiPay card and connect it to your account. The cards are placed in different spots across the building. You connect the card to your account easily in the DiggiPay app by pressing “brikker” or at

  2. Find out what you want from the bar menu on your table.

  3. Give a signal to the waiter by lifting your hand or the note that is placed on the table.

  4. Pay by using the QR code in Diggipay or using payment card.

Activating the card costs 50 kr, which you pay when the first transaction is being done. If you lose your card you get a new for free. You have to connect it to your account, and we recommend that you deactivate the card you lost.


The age limits for the concerts is set at 18. You must bring valid ID to show at the entrance. REMEMBER: If you look over 18 you still have to bring ID because the rules are very strict. If you are under the age of 18 and want to go to a concert, you can bring a guardian. The guardian must be over 25 years and cannot be influenced by alcohol. Both of you will need to show ID at the entrance. Some places inside will have an age limit at 20, but not the actual concerts. For more information, scroll down.

The reason we have to have such a strict ID validation is simple: UKA i Ås is driven by only volunteers and that means inexperienced people letting people in. To make their jobs as simple as possible, and make the lines shorter, we want to eliminate any discussions that might occur in the spritsløyfeentrance from people we aren’t sure are old enough. It might feel unnecessary to show ID when you are over 30 or 40 years of age, but if you look at it another way – how many people the same age can say that you had to prove you were old enough when going out.


It is possible to bring children and youths under the age of 18 to concerts and revue at UKA i Ås. If you are over 25 you can be responsible for to minors.

We have forms to fill out when you arrive, and in the entrance the guards will contact the daily manager who will greet you. You will join the manager to the office, and you will receive guardian and under-18 signs to wear around your necks during the whole concert. Contact us at to get the forms before you arrive.

It is important that everyone has valid ID cards when arriving, and the guardians ID will be copied to the form. After the concert, the guardian and the guest under 18 will have to leave the venue, and the signs will have to be handed in to the guards at the exit.


Wheelchair users are welcome at the concerts at Samfunnet, even though the venue is unsuitable for this. To get to Aud.Max and Festsalen you have to use an elevator. These elevators have to be operated by a guard. Companions to wheelchairusers gets free entrance. Tickets for the companion is issued at the entrance. Any questions about usage of wheelchair at Samfunnet during UKA can be asked to


If you have forgotten or lost something at Samfunnet after a fun night, just come and ask for it at the Samfunnsoffice/UKEoffice the following day. During UKA we will sit on the counter in the office on Samfunnnet.