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The Bodega is Samfunnet as we all know it, however now it has been upgraded as UKA calls for! Johannes has been transformed to the UKEgrill, as well as a brand new bar with many new drinks to experience. The Bodega is showing itself from its best side, and Festsalen promises a variety of events. The Bodega has an 18-year age limit, and you find the entrance on the left of Samfunnet’s normal entrance. IDs will be checked at the entrance. 



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This is UKA i Ås’s big concert stage, and is where you will see the UKErevue, concerts, quizzes and other exciting events! In Aud.Max. there is a big selection of beverages and food, and we promise there will be a fun atmosphere in the tent after concerts. And who knows, maybe there will be other surprises? In Aud.Max. you can enjoy the different events while seated around tables with your friends, and have refreshments brought to your table all through the night. Aud.Max. has an age limit of 18 years at most events, but there are also events with no age restrictions (family-friendly). Remember ID for all events. 





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Eco-lighthouse: Among other things, being an Eco-lighthouse entails commitments concerning work environment, procurement, handling of waste, and choice of suppliers. More info at: https://www.miljofyrtarn.no/  

If you have more questions concerning UKA in Ås as an Eco-lighthouse, or wish to read previous reports, get in touch with miljo@ukaiaas.no


To ensure that as many people as possible are able to experience UKA i Ås 2020, we are operating with 3 separate sections. Each section is unique, and when you buy a ticket this ticket only gives you access to the given section. Many of our events have age restrictions, so remember your ID!

Sløyfa appears every UKEyear and is in itself an experience! This year we present Sløyfa as Ås’s own exclusive nightclub with 14 bars created by different student associations. There are many drinks to try, and the atmosphere is something you cannot find anywhere else. You must come back several times to take everything in! To enjoy the experience fully, it is of course possible to grab something to eat during the night. The entrance for Sløyfa is by the Pergola. Sløyfa has a 20-year age limit, and IDs will be checked at the entrance.