October 18



DAY 16:

  • During the NM in student revue, student revues from all over Norway gather to compete for the given title of Norwegian champion in student revue, and thus directly qualify for the NM in Revue in Høylandet in 2025. Numbers have been submitted in advance and a bunch of these are qualified to participate in the NM , so the very cream of the cream will be seen this special evening, 18 October on the Aud.Max stage under UKA i Ås. Humor of all kinds will be shown, everything from satirical sketches to musical numbers, and not least a high laugh factor.

    Doors open: 16:30

    Showstart: 17:00

    Doors close: 20:00

    Place: Aud.Max

  • Deloitte Day

    Deloitte invites you to a day filled with exciting and educational events! Regardless of your field of study or year, whether you're curious about the future of work, have an inner hacker, are passionate about sustainability, want to explore why an auditor's signature is worth its weight in gold, or want to know what it's like to work at one of the world's leading professional services firms, you'll find something that suits you. You’ll also have the chance to meet former NMBU students from various departments at Deloitte and explore exciting career opportunities!

    Space is limited for the events, so register today!

    The day kicks off at 9:00 AM with a breakfast seminar on the expectations and opportunities for the future of work, followed by a mini-Hackathon tackling financial crime starting at 12:15 PM. Additionally, at 4:15 PM, two separate events will take place: The Fraud Mystery and Breaking Green, where you can explore the auditor's role in financial crime or dive into complex sustainability issues.

    Dinner will be served at the three afternoon events, along with a brief presentation on Deloitte and the career opportunities available to you. Finally, Deloitte invites all participants of these three sessions to a pre-party with drinks and prize ceremonies before a Silent Disco.

    Detailed information about the events is provided below. Please note that the mini-Hackathon, The Fraud Mystery, and Breaking Green overlap in schedule.

    About Deloitte
    Deloitte is a market-leading company providing audit, legal services, financial advisory, risk analysis, and consulting services. Deloitte strives to help clients achieve their ambitions, make a positive difference in society, and harness the potential of its over 457,000 employees.

    Place: Festsalen/Halvors / Johannes

  • Deloitte invites students to an inspiring and engaging breakfast seminar to explore "The Future of Work." Here, you'll gain insights into what to expect from the evolving job market and what the workforce will expect from you.

    The event will conclude with an exciting panel discussion, where both students and industry professionals will share their perspectives, giving you the opportunity to ask questions directly to the panel.

    Registration (free): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevTfUHtC3Xg7IIR8I7EkJ4voI6JFGtmuUYviGMSRXChTiYUw/viewform

    Doors open: 09:00

    Showstart: 09:15

    Doors close: 11:00

    Place: Festsalen

  • In just 7 hours, you can participate in a unique and challenging mini-Hackathon created by Deloitte's top developers. You’ll be placed in a realistic scenario inspired by the challenges and tasks Deloitte consultants face in their daily work. Throughout the event, you’ll encounter time-sensitive challenges, side quests, Easter eggs (if you look carefully), and much more.

    To solve the case, you will work in teams of 3-5 people (don’t worry if you sign up alone, you’ll be assigned a team). No prior programming knowledge is required to participate. The hackathon is designed for various skill levels, so we encourage everyone interested in AI, ML, or programming in general to join, whether you're already an expert or just eager to learn.

    The Green Dot Bank is in serious trouble and needs YOUR help!

    For years, criminal networks have laundered billions through The Green Dot Bank. After repeated warnings from the Financial Supervisory Authority, inspectors have arrived, and the bank is under pressure to quickly implement comprehensive transaction monitoring. If they fail, fines will start piling up, and the bank's reputation is on the line!

    Confronted with the severity of the situation, The Green Dot Bank has turned to your expertise to tackle the challenge. With looming financial threats, the bank must swiftly and effectively identify the financial crimes, and your team's technological skills are crucial in ensuring this happens before the deadline.


    Registration (free): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHpB30NwggLTLX5IzLJIUQte_E6mu4hHfzWEORynkdjAVG1g/viewform

    Doors open: 12:00

    Showstart: 12:15

    Doors close: 21:00 (dinner and vors from 18:30)

    Place: Halvors, Johannes og Festsalen (meet-up at Halvors)

  • Deloitte invites you on an exciting journey to uncover financial crime and find the culprit!

    This engaging event will take you on a challenging adventure where you and your team must dig deep to uncover financial crime within one of their clients' companies.
    Be prepared for challenges, surprises, and excitement as you lead the hunt for the culprit through thorough analysis of documents and financial transactions.
    Are you ready to put on your auditor’s hat and solve this challenging mystery?

    Påmelding (gratis): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMM_6sdxByBNK3XHzLjOaRli_LcAgfd-c2yQ62yM8V8QwPNQ/viewform

    Showstart: 16:15

    Doors close: 21:00 (dinner and vors from 18:30)

    Place: Festsalen og Johannes (meet-up at Festsalen)

  • This year’s Earth Overshoot Day was on August 1st, one day earlier than last year, and in June 2024, the Norwegian Parliament passed the EU’s environmental reporting requirements (CSRD) into Norwegian law. These events emphasize that sustainability efforts are becoming increasingly important for Norwegian companies, and Deloitte is seeking your help to solve mini-cases that provide an in-depth look at the challenges their consultants face in their daily work.

    This is your chance to explore how Deloitte assists clients with complex sustainability challenges – and maybe it will inspire you to work with something similar in the future?

    Registration (free): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflriL1wbc3QTr1yaLVwAu_SIshJqv6LYjNbnpJeWT0gcck5A/viewform

    Showstart: 16:15

    Doors close: 21:00 (dinner and vors from 18:30)

    Place: Festsalen

  • Headset are included in the price! At Silent Disco Club, you can expect a blissful mix of sweaty 80s songs, pop gems from the delicious 90s, hip-hop, R&B, new and old bangers, remixes, mash-ups, prunes and other whirlwinds. There is guaranteed to be a dance atmosphere and shameless sing-alongs when Silent Disco Club invites you to a party, and there is possibly nothing that beats a dance floor that boils when you sing and dance to three different songs at the same time! The concept works so that all guests are given their own wireless headset where they can choose between three different channels. The color of the light from the headsets indicates which of the DJs you're listening to, and that way you avoid screwing up by dancing to Eminem when the girl of your dreams is listening to Harry Styles.

    Doors open: 21:00

    Place: Aud.Max