October 17.
DAY 15:
We face many challenges and major changes in society. Student life in Ås is no exception. The studies are digitized, our oldest student housing at the Pentagon is to be demolished, Aud.Max. is to be closed and refurbished, and we are faced with a feeling that Ås-bubble will soon burst and that the world will end. Much has changed in 100 years, but the student spirit is still strong, nonsense and fanfare give us bright spots when things are tough, you meet resistance, and it looks dark - we need a break, we need entertainment The serious must be seen from a funny perspective! So stop freaking out! Buy a ticket and come to an all-nighter in Aud.Max. in October, with fun, seriousness, and everything in between!
Doors open: 16:30
Showstart: 17:00
Doors close: 19:30
Place: Aud.Max
Are you the most knowledgeable during UKA? Put together a team of a maximum of 5 people and show off your knowledge and everything you can! Tonight's theme is sport.
Doors open: 19:30
Showstart: 20:00
Doors close: 22:00
Place: Aud.Max